new home builders in florida

new home builders in florida
When a visitor to a new site (maybe yours) he or she is generally cautious, skeptical, nervous. You ask," Where am I? What kind of website is this? "You look around, looking for indicators that instructions.

The confidence of the builders are the things that command the confidence of the visitors that they are a reputable, honest, reliable website. Without the visible presence of confidence builders, visitors are still skeptical, doubtful and more likely to leave without appropriate measures.

If the visitor sees the confidence of investors, he calmed down, he leans a bit to relax, take your website and seriously consider doing business there. It is more likely to stay and register for a newsletter, seriously consider what is offered, even to buy something.

From the perspective of the Webmaster, the confidence of the builders are a key element in the transformation of skeptical visitors into customers!

Here is a list of the confidence of clients, visitors and webmaster should be expected, in some order of importance:

1. Contact Us page. (Who are these people? Can I find it? Contact them?)

2. Privacy statement. (Can I trust these people with my e-mail address?)

3. Seals of the certifying bodies, such as hacker proof Honest E Online, E-Trust, Better Business Bureau or similar. (Who vouches for these people?)

4. Familiar logos such as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal (who have financial connections with what financial agencies know and do business with them?)

5. Name and photograph of the person behind the page. (Is there a real person here, what he / she look like? What does that tell me about them?)

6. Cursive signature. (If the owner of this site to stand behind it? Is it his name and signature on them?)

7. Testimonials - (Who has dealt with this site? What was their experience?)

8. Recordings and videos - are being increasingly used to feel a personal Web sites that you have the conversation with the person behind it. If the people behind the website visitors' confidence are more interested in dealing with the website.

Numerous split tests have confirmed that the presence of this confidence builder, either alone or in combination, significantly increase website conversion rates.

To sell your products or services, it is not enough to emphasize and sell only the positive aspects. There are already existing negative inhibitors business with you, that must be eliminated or at least neutralized.

Your visitors come skeptical. To give them something to sell, you need to reassure them and turn that trust into skepticism.

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