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If you have a female body builder aspiring to develop your body and eventually enter your first female body building competition, you certainly know that you have your homework with regard to the desired amount of muscle mass and definition is needed. Muscle building is like building a house, you need to have a plan and work on this plan, and finally one day you see the finished product of all your hard work. A female body builder can train a lot like a male body builder. The only thing is that a man is usually stronger and therefore more weight than a woman bodybuilder.
The female body builder to develop a good training. It would be a good idea, a trainer for the first training, so they learn the proper way to do the exercises and the proper way to use the fitness equipment.
How do the hormones work to the muscles of the female body builder?
Men and women exactly the same hormones, just in different quantities. It can be seen as a surprise to know that women primarily ovaries produce testosterone, estrogen, which then. The ovarian production for a quarter of total circulating testosterone in the body of a woman. Testosterone is one of a family of hormones called androgens
To muscle their hormone level, a woman bodybuilder must always train with 100% dedication and intensity. If the female body builder wants to see real muscle gains, they must be willing to get to the limit in the gym at any time.
Diet to increase testosterone in female body building:
Oysters with mineral and zinc in food should be a top Food Group. Zinc has many important things in the body, but one of them is the creation of more muscle and thus increasing the testosterone levels of development of the muscular woman bodybuilder. Hen the woman is also a healthy amount of protein bodybuilders.
The egg yolks contain cholesterol and testosterone from cholesterol, so consumed yolk would be a good way to provide the essential building blocks for testosterone for the female body builder.
Well, not too worried about your arteries clogging indicator, most people do not realize that actually 85% to 95% of cholesterol by the liver, and not from the foods you eat. Egg yolks, other important nutrients and vitamins.
A connection in garlic called allicin is one of the best ways to set the level of muscle building hormone in the body of a woman Builder. Allicin breaks down easily, so you have real garlic, not the supplements that are often no active allicin left to become a testosterone level. Broccoli and cabbage can also be a great natural testosterone booster, because they indole-3-carbinol.
I do not recall any woman bodybuilder to their consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol has been shown that a dramatic impact on testosterone levels. Also make sure you have enough sleep every night. A lack of sleep on cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.
Among the best ways to testosterone levels is the practice should be of short duration and high intensity in order to boost the production of human growth hormone and testosterone levels peak holds for their female body building. Of course not everyone can exercise it with vigor, so make sure you talk to your doctor before you do.
The woman bodybuilder will focus on exercises with high intensity, the large muscles of the body such as squats and leg presses bank. To summarize, if you use the tips on increasing your natural testosterone level. They are therefore well on the way to the mass and definition is needed to the next female bodybuilding competition.
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on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552
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