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The paper is intended to ensure the marketing situation of the company and make appropriate recommendations on the proper tact and develop a strategic marketing position.
As a framework for Marketing Management and Marketing Management Millennium Edition, Tenth Edition (Kotler, Philip), "Modern marketing calls for the development of more than a good product, pricing it attractively and making it accessible to target groups with the customer. The companies must also be compatible with the current and potential players, and with the public. The marketing communications mix consists of five types of communication: advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, personal selling and direct marketing. "
Kotler also wrote that for a company to develop an "effective marketing communication requires eight steps: (1) Enter the target audience, (2) determining the objectives of the Commission, (3) design of the e-mail (4) Select the communication channels, (5) the entire communication budget (6), about the communication mix, (7) Measurement of communication "results, and (8) management of integrated marketing communications.
Within the next year examining an honest attempt has been tried, just to observe behavior and simultaneously record interviews with staff, property, prospects and customers in such a was not required to provide the identity of the source. I hope that this anonymity has reinforced the honesty to have this information to the author. Again, the resulting honesty should improve the chances for an accurate recording of the current position of the marketing companies.
To the extent that accumulated sales data and financial information were not for the review and comparison to industry standards and metrics, the test was limited to interviews and subjective data. While some polling stations has been executed with the customer in order to paint an accurate picture of the local and surrounding area demographics and market share, the company should strive to achieve more comprehensive market share data to fully exert their place in the industry.
In the past five weeks, the following elements of the marketing position of the company have been reviewed:
Part I: Marketing Environment Audit
Economic --
Part II: Marketing Strategy Audit
Business Mission
Part III. Marketing Organization Audit
Formal Structure
Interface Efficiency
Part IV Marketing Audit Systems
Marketing Control System
New Product Development
Part V. Marketing Productivity Audit
Profitability Analysis
Cost-Effective Analysis:
Part VI. Marketing Audit Function
In essence, it is the auditor of the opinion that society is suffering, no problems that good communication both internally and externally with the company in conjunction with a consistent implementation by solid team-building process and a lasting change in the attitude resolve. However, there is strong institutional resistance to change in society, which is endemic to most all small closely held operations, much can be done to the positive changes necessary if the company ever wanted to share a local enterprise customers haphazardly.
Part I: Marketing Environment Audit
Since the customer wishes to direct retail customers and automotive engine repair shops, we look at the people and their buying habits within the two groups. First, the buying habits of individual customers, as it not only the demographic development, but the existing new and undeveloped markets. Traditionally, the Company in connection with mass e-mails directly contact customers in person outside the marketing department.
In 2000, a major competitor in the engine rebuilt from Indiana businesses, "Jasper" in the market through the use of Texas with a direct distribution of executives in key markets. Jasper sells directly to the consumer, the garage mechanic and this approach is the way customers can buy engines. In addition, the property has caused Internet exposure on sites to add to the enormous strategic marketing prior to consistently generate nearly 40% of turnover by ownership, as no data is made available to employees for management purposes.
Jasper prices significantly higher than CLIENT, Inc., offers a solid warranty. The company can compete on the advantage and the guarantee when it comes to them in price. In response to Jasper and a motor market declined, the company has commissioned a marketing person lead the marketing and sales effort for the foreseeable future. In the past two months, CLIENT., INC. 8800 piece by e-mail from a combination flyer inviting me to remember that the customer's client., INC. is still in business. The mailer resulted in approximately 100 participants of the event Grill November 8, 2003. Two or three engines were sold as a result.
There is no doubt that so long as the man drives the internal combustion engine, there is demand for reconstruction of replacement engines. Client., INC is ready to comply with this demand. Several factors contribute to the overall demand in a particular market with respect to the engines. Firstly, the general economic health can contribute to whether people drive their cars longer, sometimes a replacement engine, or they buy a new one. Client., INC. naturally prefers the former. Prices are currently difficult, what is that one end of the general industry-compression in the number of motor manufacturers, who in late 2000 and is now tapering edges. Nevertheless, property attributed his loss in the volume of a bad economy during Auditor is of the opinion that this case may be, that the company is due to improper handling of several strategic questions.
Owners of short-term adjustment to the cost of the guarantee is not that the connection with the consequences of irritating customers guarantee that they are no longer the relationship may not have been realized.
In response to this compression, CLIENT., INC has a lot of redundant staff shrinkage settlement to have its peak in 2000, gross sales, although double what they are today. The company has stable prices in the past eighteen months, as she has found innovative ways to reduce costs.
The President has stated a desire to transform the company from a mother-and-pop business to a company that is strictly set and hired employees to take responsibility and the fate of the company to growth and profitability, so that all stakeholders are well developed will. As such, systems of accounting, order entry to shipping, communications and fuel and fleet management to improve and up-to-date, so that the company directly in front of the expectations and away from the reactionary mode of operation. New capabilities must be adjusted to the model, if this company will always be a little more than a fifty workers companies.
As already mentioned, Jasper Engines is a late entry into the market and Texas at the top of the price category. Other competitors, four stars, Thunderbolt, Jasper, road master and others as well as local small machine shops. Jasper has effected a policy for sale to third parties. Others have placed the workshops to work, but rather through parts distributors where possible.
Summary Conclusion Part I.
In 2000, the Texas Remanufactured Auto Motor market by the entry of Indiana's Jasper engine and transmission for the state. Jasper is changing the industry not just by entering as a competitor, but in its marketing cycle of selling directly to consumers through the workshop and not through a jobber or distribution network. Jasper seized at the extremely high U.S. dollars at the end of the market with their pricing policy to which the company and the target, the price is too low and the supply of lower quality.
The economic conditions in general, the auto market and the car engine has remanufactures with. As a result, the market belt tightening of ownership, the strategic error of the election of a perceived elimination of cash flow not paying for warranty shabby craft rather than controlling costs in an efficient manner and maintaining the customer relationships. The company has as a result lost 45% of the year 2000 top line sales.
The technology is particularly with the industry at the plant, but at least ten years behind in order processing and information technology. The Company has no network administrator and problems.
As the market during 2003 has stabilized the company through the ability to identify and understand a second wind now tries to take market share in the risk-balanced market and niches.
Part II: Marketing Strategy Audit
Business Mission:
Although the property has a clear head of mission in the general sense, part of the mission will be confused if taught orally to the employee. That is to say that there are no visible written strategic business plan or business mission. If there is no promotion, or is made available to employees for the empowerment and accountability.
The owner and management have the desire to recapture lost and the development of new channels and niche customers and are willing to invest time, energy and dollars to do so. The whole process of the marketing audit has indirectly caused a spur in thinking what the company does and why they do it. In other words, the ownership and employees have to recognize that positive change is a good thing, and that, in order to reach a global market engine of a company must be flexible and "roll" with market conditions and requirements. Customers will not be less than excellent service and a reasonable pricing model, but only their order of competition.
Marketing objectives:
The marketing goals and objectives are the proverbial "we grow", to say that no formal written objectives are articulated, or to the team. The general temperament is stagnation employees to keep their jobs rather than work and dreams to excel and be happy to get to work. In other words, employees do in the first of the company (the president) and customers. As such, the only way to plan marketing and measurement of performance is from the daily profit and loss account, which only seems to be the owners and not managers or employees. The purpose of this test is to determine the measures necessary for the formulation of a formal Article marketing policy that staff implement.
While the strategy is clearly in the minds of the owners of the company, there is tremendous uncertainty, when an employee asked the question. The property is clearly in sight, though not documented, so that it can be determined. The company is not using the best best-practice basis or for market segmentation, it still has a clear criteria for rating segments and choosing the best companies sold only to the on the phone or in their face first .
There is no formal allocation of resources marketing mix. Funds, if the owner believes the task will be useful. Moreover, "the marketing budget" are there in spirit possession, but not on a real budget in mind that a management team could be and then be held accountable for the results.
Summary Conclusion Part II.
The company has no formal mission statement. The separation between ownership and employee performance objectives. Marketing and sales objectives are articulated, such as "Let's grow." Possession of this investigation, the problem areas identified in order to establish and develop an action plan for the year 2004.
Marketing strategy and should be among the employees for morale, accountability, incentives, quality and brand imaging.
Part III. Marketing Organization Audit
Formal Structure:
Before September 2003, there were no concentrated marketing efforts for more than a year. Customer satisfaction is not the responsibility for marketing, sales or production, but the property handles "hot cases", as they eventually make their way to him. Once these situations at the fire department headquarters. "
Center consists of a small desk with an outdated obsolete computers networked to a "Novell", which is so unproductive, if you download all the current program the whole network is slowing, "said one employee. The owner either "handles" it right then or she brings in cue. " Cue means that they are on a wall file for further negotiations.
Almost all of the employees believe that customers' dissatisfaction is so much improved, and by these cuing of complaints or the early cancellation, lost customers are the result. A new guarantee mechanism must be articulated and implemented. Marketing activities are ad - hoc.
Good communication and relations of cooperation between marketing and sales now available. Since overcoming a rocky start in September between the auditors and certain long-rooted employees, sales and marketing are in constant communication with each other. In the past, the "Sales Guy" would be just about his business, and there was no communication between him and other employees. Product Manager (General Manager) are not able to plan profits or revenues, as there is no coverage available.
Interface Efficiency:
There are significant problems in terms of communication and interaction between sales and production to the extent that the production manager to employ appears as "(Industry) against them (distribution)" philosophy. This person said the author in October 2003 in an attempted spontaneous leadership meeting that "there is nothing we can do to get better, we are Doin 'it is as good as it can be done."
Many people in the inner side have indicated that the production of manager threatens the owner in the past with total laboratory strike if its demands are not taken into account. As a result of these employees and the general attitude in the office management of these sick individuals and fears that lead through the cooperation, as both sides ignore each other. Lower quality, customer satisfaction and guarantee a high level, the resulting cost victims at the end.
The relaxation and well-established dysfunctional operational problems to the extent that communication and cooperation is extremely difficult. The auditor believes that such dysfunctional behavior creates indefinite and hidden costs for businesses in U.S. dollars through reduced quality and morale.
You need only the corresponding photos on the next page to see the real scope for improvement by the dirty and not inspected for safety of working conditions. As such, the accountant, not a certified safety inspector is of the opinion that if a regulatory body, such as occupational health and safety management to the facility that the company would be massive fines. This slip shöd way in holding leads over into the general picture of society through the provision of model.
Summary Conclusion Part III.
No concentrated marketing effort, there are at least for the last year. Customer satisfaction is on an emergency basis in the rule and the old adage of the squeaky wheel is the fat. Sales counter personnel distracted too many non-revenue activities. Sales and marketing will work together to ensure the "thinking" of staff to ensure a high quality product for the customer. Guarantee money is spent weighed more than long-term customer-effects.
Part IV Marketing Audit Systems
Marketing Control System:
There is no annual targets to monitor or printed output. The property and not as the management periodically reviews product profitability, markets and distribution channels. Marketing costs are ad-hoc evaluation of the gut instinct with paperwork or planning. Even if such a plan exists, is not leadership, because the owner is the leader. This system achieved the result of stalled growth as strengthening. The auditor makes the recognition of ownership of the desire and efforts to found a new step back and to bring those responsible to germinate a new initiative, teamwork, accountability and profitability.
New Product Development:
The company is not well organized to collect, generate or screen new product ideas? Idea comes from spontaneous discussions with many interruptions and no or very difficult to execute run consequences. It is loose, shoot from the hip mentality with ownership dictated his wishes, because, as the staff consensus says, "He knows everything and a lot better than us." In the past the owner has carried out much research. Employees recognize that personal initiative is fruitless, rewarded and not be discouraged. The separation between facilitation passive aggressive behavior and honest communication to tension when the owner is around. " This complaint presupposes that goals and minimum standards for the reward and compensation increases dictate. The old adage of just giving him / her enough rope to hang itself here.
The perception that recruiting employees is twofold. By placing all the blame on the owners, employees to avoid the responsibility for all actions or results. Conversely, the owners of not properly delegate and then the employees ratified the only attitude of the staff. Adequate and appropriate market and product-testing is "what the market can bear." In sum, the owner required to provide the traditional sin, seeking approval of the workers are not pushing them to develop their talents and allowing them to make mistakes to grow.
Summary Conclusion Part IV.
Information will not be disclosed to persons who are responsible for their daily performance. New product development does not exist.
Part V. Marketing Productivity Audit
Income statement:
The company's profitability of individual products, markets, territories and channels of distribution is not known to the extent that the property is not obliged to provide this information to the employees. There are no results after the entry into and exit from markets to the extent provided for in the said declaration.
Cost-Effective Analysis:
Marketing activities are standard and in light of the development level of society.
Summary Conclusion Part V.
Information to trusted team members and team-building win with real authority for a limited budget to achieve objectives.
Part VI. Marketing Audit Function
Product line targets to double turnover, where it was three years ago as overheads are included. It is not known which product lines should be expanded or contracted, because this information is not made available to the property.
Buyers' attitude towards our overall product is good, as long as there is no warranty issue. The property shall keep all warranty and a short-term approach to resolving the claim. While the property is of the view that most engines are mechanic during the installation (this action reduces costs through the fault of the customer) if the claim is not connected to the customer the satisfaction of the customers and told many of the same to do so. The overall quality of the product to their presentation in drastic need of improvement.
The company's pricing goals at competitive price, and we are. The property is kept under review and the market in terms of prices. Customers who buy believe that we are competitive. Customers who can not buy it for a number of reasons.
Since the beginning of the distribution targets have been ad hoc with not much to the efficiency and consolidation. Now that the property has the resources to wholesale our products by way of a special d / b / a / and web site, to the parts distributor (jobber), marketing can develop new customers and channels such.
The company considers expanding its distribution channels to further diversify its mix of channel delivery and pick up.
Advertising, promotion, advertising and direct marketing:
The company has no formal advertising budget, at least not known by the employees. The company does not employ the media with the exception of the United States mail. Owner has recently decided to purchase Wochenzeitung type advertising, which in January 2004 convinced that during the Christmas season peoples cars always need and never engines. The company has a database, but do not employ on-line marketing, save the website and sporadic (for once or twice after human memory) uses coupons.
What are the sales goals? Unknown. Is the sales force large enough to accommodate the business objectives? Questionable. The three vendors at the bar probably exert more efforts and activities during the day as all other employees in the company. The direct question is not on sale, the activity, but the direction or lack thereof. The seller not only serve as a seller, go to the customer and in-bound phone calls, but they also serve the company in a variety of functions.
The answer to the seller of the company phones Fielding each in the next call. This is a problem, because it is a distraction from the sales. In a step to reduce costs in recent memory, ownership decided to retire the receptionist. This step was good and bad. If no reception leaders answered all the calls, and then every call right now at the sales counter.
The resulting poor distribution of work, the personnel has decreased, but the underlying hidden costs of lost sales is not measured or realized. In a word, sales guys must be on the phone with customers or prospects. These customers prospecting time is lost by the overwhelming distraction to jump that to answer the phone when it rings.
While the auditors did not have payroll after sales personnel, it is thought, with the certainty that the lost opportunity costs in U.S. Dollar in relation to sales lost mostly in favor of a better system. The distribution is not organized. The Sales Manager is also the general manager as well as a seller. The procedures are not sufficient for the establishment of quotas or evaluation of the performance.
Without any measurement will be no incentives and employees are unhappy about lower remuneration. How does the distribution companies in comparison to competitors' sales staff? Unknown.
Since the means of determining all such questions, the examiner tries to represent different data, by the company in recent years. More specifically, we wanted to base ourselves on a daily, weekly and monthly sales totals and then compare them to their past equivalents. In order to verify the authenticity of historical data, we wanted to analyze the data to determine who the customers are and why, which factors yield the best gross margin and net income.
We have this data within the time limits, but committed, these data are not available to staff vehicles timely reporting to management. The most difficult part of the analysis is access to the data because the computer system is no longer maintained and not maintained by a network position. This cost reduction could be a disaster is one of a series of questions.
Summary Conclusion Part VI.
Overhead costs were reduced to a minimum. Owner has indicated a target of 2000 sales to $ 5,000,000. Warranty costs must be managed, and the goodwill of the customer. Look at the quality defects in the manufacturing, the real cost to ensure the implementation of "zero tolerance for error. Wear safety glasses in the plant and the Institute for at least minimal security procedures. Do the procedure and thus no one working outside the law and rules.
The company should balance the advertising and marketing in line with a note to clients. Formalizing the marketing, advertising and marketing budget as well as all other operating budgets. Improving the quality of the product by improving the quality of the workforce. Start with the worst 10% and replace it with more people hungry. Elimination of these non-cooperative, or difficult personalities. Remember, the company has to deal with the public and that means that everyone will contribute to sales, image and quality. Focus employees on their primary and secondary jobs, and eliminate interference.
Marketing Recommended improvements
Winning team under the leadership
Financial institution
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